Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shri Krishna Katha

\\ Shri Krishna Katha \\
// जय श्री कृष्ण //
Krishna Kicks the Cart, Defeats TrinÄvarta and Shows YashodÄ the Universe
(8) All the ladies and men of Vraja with YashodÄ and Nanda first who had assembled for the utthÄna-ceremony, witnessing that wondrous event marveled on how the cart by itself indeed could have been damaged so badly

 (20) A daitya named TrinÄvarta, an hireling set up by Kamsa, swept in the form of a whirlwind away the little one sitting there.

(30) Totally surprised to find Krishna in good health sitting on the chest of the man-eater who had taken Him away in the sky, picked they Him who was saved from the mouth of death up and delivered they, as Nanda's gopi and gopies overjoyed rejoicing in bliss on the retrieval, Him to His mother.

The Name Ceremony, His Pranks and Again the Universe Within His Mouth

(11) Sri Suka said: 'With this urgent request performed the man of learning for the two boys in secret seclusion the name-giving ceremony for which he had come.

(30) Hung out of reach He devises a way piling up things or turning over a mortar and knows He His way to the contents making a hole in the hanging pot. He knows His way around in a dark room with enough light to see from the shining jewels on His body and awaits the time the gopies are busy with their household affairs!

(40) 'Is this all a dream, a divine phantasmagoria or maybe a delusion of my own intelligence or would otherwise that what I so see be some yogic feat natural to my child?

Mother YashodÄ Binds Lord Krishna
(10) Though the chasing mother, in her great speed with flowers fallen from her hair, heavy-breasted to her thin waist had to slow it down, managed she finally to capture Him.

(19) My best, in this was factually by the Lord exhibited how He, Krishna, by whom indeed the whole universe with all its demigods is controlled, is won over by those [devotees] who fall within the control of His own self

The Deliverance of the Sons of Kuvera
(6) Seeing him were their adherents ashamed and covered they afraid of being cursed quickly with their garments the nakedness of their bodies, but they, the two trustees [Shiva-guhyakas], also being naked didn't.

(28) Right there then came out of the two trees resplendently beautiful, illuminating all directions, two persons like fire personified who offered Krishna with folded hands, head down, their obeisances while they before the Lord of the Whole World completely purified uttered the following:
A New Residence, the Fruitvendor and VatsÄsura and BakÄsura Defeated

(11) What He had to offer had fallen from the palms of His hands, but the fruitlady filled them [nevertheless] with fruits. In exchange was the entire basket of fruits filled with gold and jewels.

(39-40) Sometimes blowing their flutes, sometimes with a sling hurling [for the fruits], sometimes moving their feet for the tinkling [of their ankle bells], sometimes playing cow and bull, roaring loudly imitating the animals fighting with one another and sometimes mimicking the cries of the animals, they wandered around like two normal children.

(51) He with BakÄsura trying again caught that friend of Kamsa with His arms by the beak which He as the Master of the Truthful in service of the denizens of heaven, with the boys watching, as easily tore apart as one splits a blade of grass।
The Killing of the Demon AghÄsura
(3) Krishna along with the countless calves He had assembled of His own, then, here and there [in the forest], enjoyed engaging in their boyish games.

(12) Not even for many lives being of penance do yogis apt in self-control achieve the dust of His lotusfeet; how fortunate then are the inhabitants of Vraja to whom He indeed personally being present had become the object of their direct vision?

(27) Krishna, the source of fearlessness for each, seeing them was amazed and compassionately felt sorry the way things were turning out as they, who had no one but Him, now helplessly had ran out of His control and were as straws in the fire of the belly of AghÄsura, that death personified.

Krishna Defies Indra in Favor of the Brahmins, the Cows and Govardhana Hill
(12) Sri Suka said: 'Hearing Nanda's words and also what the other residents of Vraja said, spoke Lord Kes'ava to his father in a way that made lord Indra angry.

(19) Thus having spoken took He, Vishnu, with one hand [His left one] Govardhana hill and held it up as easy as a child does a mushroom.

Nanda Recapitulates the words of Garga before the Puzzled Gopas
(2) 'Considering the no doubt extraordinary activities of the boy, how could He deserve a, for Himself contemptible, birth among worldly men?

(24) Thus hearing the words of Nanda about what Garga had said worshiped the residents of Vraja, enlivened by Nanda and with their perplexity gone, Lord Krishna.

Lord Indra and Mother Surabhi Offer Prayers
(22-23) Sri Suka said: 'Thus pleading was Lord Krishna by Surabhi with her own milk and the Ganges water flowing from heaven carried by AirÄvata's trunk, by Indra in the company of the enlightened and the seers and by the inspired mothers of the gods [the daughters of Aditi], bathed and was the descendent of Das'ara named Lord Govinda.

Chapter 28: Krishna Rescues Nanda MahÄrÄja from the Abode of Varuna
(8) Even to me o Krishna, o You who sees everything, please, be of mercy, o Govinda; to You, so caring for Your parents, belongs definitely this one that is Your father.'

(3) Seeing how the kumuda lotuses opened to his full round face that, like the face with fresh kunkuma of the goddess of fortune, with its light reddened the forest, played He, colored by the gentle rays of that light, his flute sweetly enchanting the eyes of charm [of the gopies].

(41) You, just as the Godhead, the Original Personality, protecting all gods and worlds, have taken birth as the Godhead, the evident remover of the fear and distress of the people of Vraja, therefore kindly place, o Friend of the Distressed, Your lotuslike hand on the burning breasts and heads of Your maidservants.'
राधे राधे